Save Our Landscapes and Livelihoods
Say No to Giant Pylons
Action Against Pylons: Scottish Borders Alliance is a voluntary coalition of ten independent community action groups that live along the route of Scottish Power Energy Networks’ (SPEN) proposed Cross Border Connection and its associated energy storage, regulation and transmission infrastructure.
The UK and Scottish Governments plan to send renewable energy generated in Scotland to England via a new 80km 400kV overhead powerline which they call an energy 'Superhighway'. Its construction will ruin vast swathes of Borders countryside forever.
Scottish Power Energy Networks’ (SPEN) preferred route for the ‘superhighway’ runs from Threepwood near Lauder to the Scottish-English Border near Newcastleton. For reasons that are not entirely clear SPEN are calling the proposed site of the substation at Threepwood ‘Gala North’.
The proposed installation of giant pylons, battery storage sites and electricity sub-stations within unspoilt countryside would cause immense and irreparable damage to our landscape forever.
There is no benefit to local people as all the energy produced will be sent to England.
Due to the lack of clarity of information shared by SPEN via all of its communication channels (virtual and physical) we remain in the dark as to the true detail of SPEN’s proposals. Despite SPEN’s claim that it will continue ‘to work positively with the community’, we find SPEN’s conduct of the first round of consultations at best untransparent.
Our Coalition
We represent communities most negatively impacted by the proposals and the many who feel compromised to speak out due to conflicted issues relating to landownership and livelihoods.
Take Action Update
Make your voices heard
Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) have announced a new consultation period along the route of the proposed Cross Border Connection that will run from 24 March to 2nd May 2025. In an email that we have had sight of SPEN say:
‘We will be holding public consultation events in the local community at which physical consultation materials will be available to view. We would be delighted if you could attend one of the following drop-in events to speak with the team and learn more about the project. The schedule is as follows:
Wednesday 26th March - Yarrow Feus Hall (3-7pm)
Thursday 27th March - Kirkhope Parish Hall, Ettrickbridge (3-7pm)
Monday 31st March - Newcastleton Village Hall (3-7pm)
Tuesday 1st April - Teviothead Village Hall (3-7pm)
Wednesday 2nd April - Forman Memorial Hall, Roberton (3-7pm)
We hope that you will take this opportunity to engage with this consultation process and share any feedback you may have with the team.’
As previously posted, SPEN are also holding two meetings in Lauderdale about the Dun Law Extension to Galashiels 132kV. SPEN say: ‘We are holding two drop-in consultation events for people to understand how the proposals have developed based on previous feedback. You can speak to members of the project team and give feedback at the events.’
The Lauderdale Hotel, Lauder, 12 March 2025 From 3pm-7pm
Carfrae Mill Hotel, 18 March 2025 From 3.30pm-7.30pm
Please go to these meetings and ask SPEN how many Dun Law related substations, battery facilities, and wind farms are planned, or are in the pipeline. Power lines attract solar farms and wind turbines and they need a lot of infrastructure. It’s important to understand the full picture.
We have the support of our MP, MSP, and local councillors. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help now!