Aims and Values

As a general principle we are opposed to the use of pylons and overhead lines across the entire route proposed. The Scottish Borders have a landscape of outstanding natural beauty and heritage and we want to ensure that it remains intact for future generations.

We want to protect, preserve and enhance the outstanding beauty and features of the Scottish Borders landscape, the heritage and historical landscape, its biodiversity, its identity and its economy which is based directly and indirectly on agriculture, tourism, visitor revenue and a healthy property market.

We therefore wholly object to the Cross Border Connection proposed overhead route and urge SPEN and the Scottish and UK Governments that are behind the plans, to amend this proposal in keeping with the overwhelming feelings of the residents that will be forced to live with it.

We consider the consultation process so far flawed and potentially biased.

Learn More

If you have a spare 30 minutes, and would like to know more about the issues, we recommend you listen to a new BBC Scotcast called ‘People v. the Pylons’. This podcast explores and uncovers the reasons why so many people in the north east of Scotland are campaigning against the pylons. The issues that we face in the Scottish Borders are similar.